Friday, March 20, 2009

W.O.F. 54 Mini Keg?

Our son, William, returned last week from his week in El Salvador, and visited us Sunday. He came up and we took in the local high schools' stellar production of "Hello Dolly". It was great seeing him.

And... he brought us a present, this interesting little "keg" with little cups and a tray, all crafted out of wood. Unfortunately, for now, it is largely ornamental. The spigot does not actually shut off, so you cannot store your tea or lager or what have you in the "barrel". So for now it makes a great conversation piece. Perhaps we will engineer some sort of stopper later on.
Man, I just realized...keg...good one for "K week" coming up on A-Z Monday? Can I cash in twice on one object? Nah...I'll figure something else out.


Anonymous said...

Very cool. Looks like you need a cork!

Minerva said...

Cool. He brought that home on the plane? Good for him!

Ben said...

A cork may help.
Yes, I couldn't believe it made an international flight - carried it on, in five pieces (or so) plus the cups.

Connie said...

Very nice woodwork. It is pretty to look at and perhaps you will figure a way to make it functional as well.

Jen said...

I love all things made from wood!
looking forward to your K word now.