Sunday, June 27, 2010

A-Z Munchin' Monday: What Else?

After what seems like WEEKS of travel, it is good to be back here at Streetpolo World Headquarters on a Sunday night to take care of business. And this week's letter, as we creep toward the end, is W. So I figured, with Independence Day USA coming up this July 4, and all the picnics and backyard barbecues and such taking place, what better food to symbolize our patriotic picnicing than the WATERMELON? Who doesn't enjoy it when you dig into one of these green and red babies and discover that perfect texture and sweet, sweet taste? Plus, in the standard, traditional version, you get those slick little seeds that are great spittin' if you are, indeed, outdoors somewhere, and wantin' to rile up Betty Jean over there by shootin' a seed into her hair.

They have come up with seedless versions. In my experience, those mutations are usually just not as good and sweet as the seedy kind. I usually find it worthwhile to abide by the seeds.

Remember when the big news was the Japanese coming up with a cubic version of the watermelon, easy for stacking and storing? Somehow, I do not believe those little boxes of goodness ever really caught on, or maybe they are priced too high. In any case, I have never actually seen one, and I view it skeptically as man messing with something that nature has already perfected. Maybe as a cheap building block or something.
Japanese cubic watermelons

I cannot conclude my W report without a shout-out to one of nearby Lake Erie's finer products, the Walleye. It's a fine sport fish up there, and pretty good eating too. A couple counties away, up in Port Clinton, every New Year's Eve, they lower this twenty foot, 600 pound walleye for their big Walleye Drop. Gimmicky, perhaps, but a fine way to start the new year. So here's a toast to the Walleye.
Port Clinton Walleye Drop

For those so inclined, have a Wonderful Fourth (and all the other days this week, while you're at it!). And check out other Wonderful food concepts via Jen's blog.


Connie said...

I think the kind with seeds tastes sweeter too. I love watermelon, Ben. I've never seen the square ones in person either. I think if I did, I would think "That's just not right!" HA! Enjoy your week! :)

Cassie said...

I NeVeR saw those cube melons. Wow how strange are they?? I can not stand honeydew or cantelope melon, but DO love watermelon. It's my W word too! Oh my- the word verification for this is: waters!!

Jen said...

Happy Monday Ben!
One of the reasons I love summer time!

Cliff said...

Two very tasty w words.

Used to enjoy going over to the in laws to eat after he was on the lake with some buddies. Fresh walleye is very delish.

And it seems to me that as I get older, watermelons at the store get smaller.

Minerva said...

Don't think I've ever had walleye. I like fish, so I'm sure it's yummy.

Nothing like a piece of watermelon in the summer. Reminds me of Grandma's house.

Anonymous said...

We always have sweet, cold watermelon for the 4th. I wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday Ben.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My son's favourite. In some one's post, they have a carved water melon as a big receptacle for corn. (Before I remembered to comment, I lost it) Very interesting. Once I did it for a melon and sago dessert.

My son would love the seedless ones.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to wish you a Happy July 4th weekend Ben.