Saturday, May 17, 2008

keys, kats, and kopters

So, that son of ours paid all of one dollar for an organ, carted it home, then figured out it would not fit in the trunk and thus could not accompany him to his college home. So here it sits in the parlor. I decided I might as well make the most of it, so I fashioned this little "Rick Wakeman" style arrangement with the piano and my other keyboard.

Meanwhile, outside, the maples are deciding to really promote and promulgate their species big time, with a huge helicopter raid on the lawn. The picture shows the 'copters all over the ground, the lilacs still in bloom, and my wife's artistic rendering of said lilacs on the nearby garage wall.

It seems there are more copters than usual. The wind today was really bringing them down. I guess I will be mowing more baby maples than usual later in the summer.

Then there is "the cat who came to stay"...not. This cat has taken up residence on the deck. Specifically, in this box on the hot tub on the deck. Acts like it owns the place. As you can see, this has resulted in a standoff of sorts, once the dog has realized that there is a squatter about.

And finally, four of these birds showed up for a bath while we were eating dinner. Anyone recognize the species? We're thinking catbird, bu t not sure. They were silent while they bathed, so we didn't get to hear their call.

I hope you are having a good weekend. Our forecast was for showers, but they have not materialized yet.


Minerva said...

Pretty sure catbird is correct. That was my guess. They make a nest by our hot tub every year, and "meow" at us when they have young. I would rather have them, than the real thing around my hot tub.
Interesting tidbit: A friend of mine told me once that once you hear the catbird sing in the early spring, it means that there won't be another frost that season. Don't know if it's true, but it's certainly interesting.

Anonymous said...

We used to have a cat that looked just like that one. Her name was kit and she used to bite our toes when we were fast asleep. She was a strange one.

Jessica said...

That's a bird I never seen in my yard (a catbird). You've got one up on me!!

Ben said...

Yep, catbird and just plain CAT

Anonymous said...

Those pics with the cat and silky staring ... fantastic! I did in fact, laugh out loud.