Monday, April 7, 2008

goofy sports team name

This one comes by way of my son. The team hails from Vancouver, BC. The sport is Ultimate Frisbee. The name: FURIOUS GEORGE.

Some history, from their website: Furious formed in 1995 and crafted a plan to put Vancouver, BC on the map of Ultimate. Fueled by a Worlds win in 1998, the Monkey realized what it took to stay on top after a brief first appearance at UPA Championships. Ever since then, the Apes have grown more furious every year, storming the Sarasota fields in semi-finals and finals.

And so on...

Nothing much to add today. I believe the temperature hit 70 degrees, but I was inside most of the day. I did notice a bird singing away at 6:05 this morning, and they were continuing to sing this evening. Some crocuses are up in the yard. Daffodils are blooming down the street. The process is finally unfolding. The buzzards are still hanging around. I have a feeling they will be rambling on pretty soon.

We sign off with a shot of the Furious George crew, from their website:

1 comment:

Yard Yoder said...

sockeye is so much better