Sunday, May 3, 2009

The trillium are out

Took a little jaunt to the reservoir last week to check on the trillium. Lo and behold, they were out in a big way. A couple pictures...something to occupy the blogosphere as everyone asks the same Question, Quivering in expectation: "What will the A-Z people come up with for the letter Q?


Pigeon said...

I posted about my Trillium too. I wish I had more than one.

Ben said...

We actually had an increase in our yard. We are up to five trilliums (trillia?)

Unknown said...

So Ben, does that mean there are now 5 portions of your yard you can't mow?

Ben said...

No, they are all mercifully in one spot in a garden. But they are protected by some law, aren't they?