Monday, March 2, 2009

A-Z Mondays H is for Hope

Sorry to interject a downer on the fun, but we have a dog in a veterinary hospital ICU who is in recovery from some serious surgery. She is doing ok (we visited her yesterday), but could be doing better. So to rip off a better poet, Emily Dickinson, I'm stealing a verse from a well-known poem of hers:


Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all

Again, sorry for the lack of Humor this time around, but this is where our Hearts (and pretty much our Heads) are right now..


Dawn said...

hoping that your dog is healing... and that your heart & head are hanging on.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, I hope the baby gets better real soon. I know this feeling and it is NOT fun.
Take care...sending you good thoughts.

reliv4life said...

YEA for HOPE!!! I hope all turns out well for your sweet puppy!

Jen said...

So sorry to hear this, it makes for difficult times. I hope everything goes well, hang in there.

Minerva said...

You know I'm thinking of the old girl..
Sounds like the care you are providing will bring hope.

Ben said...

update: she's hanging in there. If vitals remain good overnight we may get to take her home tomorrow. The short version is: there may be meds to shrink lesions causing fluid buildup around the lungs. (sorry if I'm getting too graphic here) The things we do for our "kids"...

Thanks for all your kind words, thoughts, prayers. It all helps.

Connie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog's injury. Our little poodle was hit by a truck when he was just a tiny puppy. He had to have microsurgery to have a pin put in his broken hip. He is fine now except that sometimes he gets stiff and limps a bit, but I do understand your concern and what you are going through. Thoughts and prayers are with you that things will turn out OK.

Anonymous said...

I hope your girl is feeling better and can come home soon.

Jessica said...

Oh, I hope your furry baby is doing OK. Saying a prayer for her.

Ben said...

Thanks everyone for all your good wishes. Although her prognosis is serious, there is still a course of treatment ahead and the goal is to keep her around with a good quality of life for a while...(I was wondering where our money could go now that we are through with tuition payments.) we couldn't get her today but plans are to have her here eating some home cookin' by the end of the week.

M said...

I know how much someone can love a pet. Wishing a quick recovery!!

Thanks for the visit!