Friday, March 27, 2009


Here is the device, egg in place in the center.

When Linda goes to a rummage, garage, or yard sale, there is just no telling what comes back with her. This week it was a weird Object - a device that purports to smack the eating part of a boiled egg right out of its shell.

First, you are supposed to crack a little hole in the end of the egg. Then you stand the egg up in the hole in the middle, put the big collapsible cylinder over it, and smack down on the cylinder as hard as you can. Poof- the egg smashes right through the hole down into your bowl or plate or what have you, leaving the shell upstairs.
She's giving it all she's got!

Does it work??? Well, sorta!!! There were a couple shell fragments remaining, but for the most part, the egg was ready to eat (with a pinch of salt on it). I had forgotten how much I like a simple hard-boiled egg.
Shell remains on the hole; egg-ready-to-eat down below!


Pigeon said...

Chris loves hard boiled eggs. Not only do I have to make them because he doesn't know how, but I have to shell them for him too. (another area that I excel in!) I think I saw your egg sheller years ago on one of those tv commercials for stuff you can't buy in a store.

Dawn said...

haha! we have one of these!! i got one for y osn for christmas one year- he just loves hard boiled eggs!!! but we are not good at it... it is much easier for us to just peel away the "old-fashioned" way!!

Minerva said...

Hey, I like that! It would cut down your time when making deviled eggs, one of Katie's favorites.

Jen said...

I hate hard boiled eggs. But that was amazing!
I was afraid to scroll down; I was afraid of what I might see-ha! glad it worked out for you all- you have an amazing garage sale shopper and hard boiled egg cracker there. :)

Jessica said...

I've seen these things advertised and I wondered if they really worked. That's something I might use.