The weather in our neck of the woods has been insanely variable this winter. It was crazy cold for a while, then the temps roared up into the 50's. We spent one recent night listening to peals of thunder. The rains came until there was nowhere to go, so new bodies of navigable water were formed all over northern Ohio.
This has happened two or three times in the years we have lived here. Our back yard becomes a lake (I would sell naming rights, but it will likely vanish in a day or two. If it didn't, it would be tempting to stock the lake and drop a line in from the deck.) Does the lakeside status hike neighborhood property values? No; I think any gain is offset by the damp (putting it mildly) basements around here.
Maybe it'll freeze, and you can charge admission to the skating rink!
Lake Kenniams!
Now you know you're in trouble if stuff in the back yard starts to float...
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