The old Robert Burns quote is pretty much the theme for this week. Indeed, the plans oft go awry. Indeed, that sling and cast up there are affixed to the right hand and, more to the point, the right pinkie of our son. He got his pinkie stove in by "friendly fire" ( a team member) in a bit of a collision at an Ultimate Frisbee game. On the day that his mission trip team was landing in Nicaragua for a week of labor helping small farmers with sustainable agriculture practices (whatever they are), this lad was under the knife, getting his pinkie bones realigned and pinned in place. All in all, he'd rather be in Nicaragua.
Now he's home for what, in a cruel twist, is known as spring "break". Except, being a college lad, he is not exactly home right now, but off visiting buds to the west at a University that is not yet on break. Then he is to visit a friend in a University to the east and transport him home for his break. Then maybe our son will hang at home for a bit before going back himself. It ain't Nicaragua, but it's a suitable enough "Plan B".
So that's the "Men" part of the Burns quote. Then there's the "Mice" portion:
Cute little mouse is better than a terrifying bat.
oh yeah, there's a story behind that comment...
Also- Hope #1 son is doing well. Sounds like it, since he's out and about.
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