Well, it is a pretty normal week, and being the first week of standard time, I get up in the quasi darkness and come home in the gathering gloom of night, so there is little opportunity to provide wondrous shots of nature around me (although there was quite a CLOUD of birds - starlings or such - heading southerly above my car, the cloud stretching off infinitely to north and south, this morning. A marvel. Must have been tens of thousands of them. And my windshield passed underneath this cloud unscathed!)
My point being, nothing new to add to the blogosphere, so let's trot out an incredibly, imho, cute picture of that cat we boarded a couple weeks ago, until its owner found us via a couple free ads in the local paper (she actually posted an ad saying "lost cat" the day our ad saying "found: cat") was published - talk about ships in the night!) and a friend putting two and two together and calling her up. Seems the cat's named Theodore because he looks, to his owners, like a teddy bear.
So one more time here for Teddy and then we move on. And I have to give props to my wife, who took this one with the Sony. You can always tell her shots - she loves to brand 'em with the date, or time, or something. Good for the archives, I guess. Not so good for overall composition, but that's just me.
Now after seeing this picture (your wife captured it just right for me) of Teddy , I'm not so sure I would have put an ad in the paper.
Love those big velvet paws. Looks like he's smiling!
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