Sunday, July 12, 2009

Z-A Monday ............... Z

Xavier gently fingered the zoetrope, carefully lifting it from the package, holding it steady, spinning it, watching the moving figures through the whirring slots. A remnant from those carefree, bygone days, he thought.

It was amazing what one could find up in Aunt Zelda's attic. A veritable zoo of stuffed animals, the good kind, with little Steiff tags stapled to their ears.

Xavier looked down at the zany floorboards, noting the zigzag pattern, reminiscent of some stage floor from the Ziegfield Follies. As he stared at the pattern and fell prey to its hypnotic effects, he wished he could zoom ahead a week, to a time when Wendy would leave her home in Zanesville, drive to his little town, and he would finally get the chance to pop that question.

Would she give him the affirmative? Would he be a hero, he pondered, or a zero? For now, he was just tired. He needed to zonk out. He extinguished the attic light and descended the stairs.

to be continued...

watch some zoetrope action by clicking here


Minerva said...

I'm surprised that Xavier's name isn't Zeke. Yes, I'm Yearning for the next chapter in this Yarn.

Jen said...

Hmmm very interesting. Is this a true story? And why would anyone want to leave Zanesville? ha!! Happy Monday Ben.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so long do we have to wait??? Till Y????

Dawn said...

can't wait to hear more! i love that z-spinny thing! (i can't remember what the real name was... )

Anonymous said...

Very entertaining Ben.

Najia said...

Oh My God!!! Are you going to continue this story all the way backwards!??? Wow!

Loved the story, can't wait to see what else you're going to draft for us.... you are so creative. I bow down.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the next installment! Great Z word.

Cassie said...

AmaZing Z. I am holding my breath awaiting the next installment!!

ps- And I always thought shouldn't we spell Xavier Zavier??

Connie said...

Cool post, Ben! As always you have given your A to Z post a very unique spin. I'm looking forward to the next piece of the puzzle. :)

Cousin Bex said...

Well cousin, I see you have learned from the best how to spin a yarn! Will we ever know the ending or will you leave it off like your Dad used to do to us?!!

Ben said...

I should wrap this all in a shroud of mystery because...actually, I have no idea where I'm going with this...except, eventually, to the letter A!