Friday, July 24, 2009

Z-A "Monday" X

Author's Note: I'm stepping away from this computer for a bit of an expedition, but I'd hate to leave old Xavier hanging. I'm growing somewhat fond of him, the poor fella. It's his big week after all, featuring the letter X. So here is an early posting for Z-A Monday. I hope to be back on the keyboard by the time W rolls around... In the mean time, have a great week, all who stumble upon this!

Xavier rolled out of bed, still fairly confused about Wendy's response ("Not yet"). He was bummed, but not depressed enough to pop a Xanax or anything. He lurched out of bed, hit the shower, and grabbed a bit of breakfast before heading off to work.

Old Mr. Phelps from next door caught him on the way to the XTerra, his old ride that was just shy of coming off lease and getting traded in.
"Hey Xave, new girlfriend visiting?"
"Nah, actually old girlfriend."
"Well, I didn't recognize her. She's not from around here, is she?"
"No, she's not. What are you, some kind of xenophobe?"
"No, straight Lutheran, told you that. Hope you two didn't get all X-Rated in there!"
"None of your business, Phelps. What've you got, X-ray vision?"
With that, the key turned in the ignition and he sped out of there, late for work.
- - -
A courtesy knock on the cubicle wall.
"Xavier, you're wanted for a meeting down the hall."
"Down where?"
"Uh, Mr. Xao. The big guy."

This did not bode so well. Mr. Xao was sent over from Shanghai to oversee American operations since the corporation was acquired by the Chinese consortium. And heads were rolling. Xao was the hatchet man; more like the axe man. Xavier headed down the hall.

"Ah, Xavier, come in. Have a seat." He did.
"Well, as you know, this global economy is challenging us all. We have to trim, and unfortunately, you are on the exit list. The extraction list. You know, the ex-employee list."

Xao did not have the best command of the English language, but his point was made. Xao could have spoken in Bantu or Xhosa and Xavier would have gotten it. Xavier was out.

Suddenly, a prescription for something didn't seem like such a bad idea...

Disclaimer: Streetpolo and its editor, publisher, author, and staff (that would all be me) do not endorse or seek any remuneration from any of the products mentioned or depicted in this work of fiction. Any similarity of the characters featured in this fiction to any actual person, living or dead, is pure coincidence. No animals were hurt in the development of this story. Streetpolo and its editor, publisher, etc., are held harmless from any temporary loss of eyesight due to your attempt to read this ridiculously small print. Have a nice day, and an even better tomorrow!


Connie said...

HA HA HA! Yes, my eyes are a bit crossed (like X's) from trying to read that small print. Poor Xavier! Things are just going from bad to worse for him. Your story is great fun. I'm enjoying reading it. Hope you have a good week too, Ben. :)

Minerva said...

Good one, brother. Or should I say eXcellent? Word verification is "trying".

Najia said...

Xtraordinary tale teller you are! Have safe travels and I'll be looking forward to your return for W....that Xao....he's a meany.

Jen said...

Poor Xavier is having a bad day.

Happy Monday to you Ben and thanks for making sure we had your X today. enjoy your time away.

Dawn said...

thanks for the laugh! you are such a great story teller... even with the letter X!

hope your expedition is fantastic!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so funny.
I would not endorse all of your X's either!!! :)

Cassie said...

Hehehehe. This creation of yours is addictive! (Couldn't come up with an x here).

Unknown said...

Ben - referring to your comment on my X post- Xavier's eX-wife was Charo - I did the googling for you.

Ben said...

Sue: Ah yes, the coochie coochie girl, or something like that.