Friday, February 20, 2009

W.O.F 52 No, I'm Not a Jimmy Buffett Fan

Well, there is a history behind this little plastic dude. He once had a long handle and a gizmo where you could make him bite or chew on stuff. That broke off, just leaving this severed exotic bird head.

Many years ago, this thing became the object of a little game with Linda and me. One of us would hide it in a cereal box or some place where the other would find it, then think warm thoughts about the other.

In more recent years, the parrot head was mostly stuck in a suitcase after one of us had packed to go off on a business overnighter or even a vacation with the other. Most recently, the thing has just been more or less permanently residing in a suitcase under our bed.

But now that I have brought this thing out to see the light of day, maybe I'll go hide it in some spot where Linda will come upon it shortly...

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Just for the record, this marks one whole year of weird objects posted here. I think there is enough weird stuff around here for me to keep going a while longer.


Anonymous said...

I keep finding Chris's furntzers in strange places around here these days. It's nice to know that Chris & I are not alone in our "weirdness" I'm glad you can do more wof posts , I think I can come up with quite a few more myself. By the way, that's a great new header!

Dawn said...

hmmm... do i love your parrot? not sure! but i do love your game of hide & seek with the parrot! i hope you decided to go ahead and find a great place to hide it!

Jessica said...

Of course I love the new header. Every time I am at the pet store I go over and stare at all the birds at least 15 minutes or more. But I just can't make the leap to purchase any. I got tired of our hamster we had last year real fast and I just keep remembering that.

Minerva said...

I am having WOF withdrawal. I think I might take a month or so off and start it up again.

That's a cute severed head story. (that's a weird statement)

Jen said...

I guess it was heads and tails this week. Ha.

I like your game too, it's like our reindeer i posted about. Good to stir up those old games and good times. :)