Saturday, February 14, 2009

quiet time at week's end

Nothing helps clear out my brain after a busy work week like a trip out to a quiet place - often, for us, the local reservoir park. Our dog doesn't get around like she used to, but you can tell she treasures a trip out there as much as we do. We got away for about a half hour yesterday, late in the afternoon.

Nature was not exactly abounding, although a duck couple was hanging out by the bridge.
The water was up (no surprise there) and as it passed over the spillway (heading away from the camera here), it met the water below and set up a sort of permanent counter-wave of resistance. It was sort of a cool effect.
I could hear a lone goose headed our way, so I trained the camera on the moving target as it approached us and - pretty much missed the target. I caught it full-body as it receded.
Here was what I thought may be the last hunk-a-hunk-a-melting snow. Little did I know it would be snowing today (and, so say the forecasters, tonight). Oh well, it is only mid February.
Other than a few passing fellow dog-walkers and their four-footed companions, I noticed a lone woodpecker working a tree along the waterfront, and a couple squirrels scampering around. That, and Mr. and Mrs. Duck, was about it.


Minerva said...

Looks like a nice walk. That spillway picture looks wild, but I've seen a video of it looking REALLY wild. You should post some pictures of that flood.

Jen said...

It's good to get out and get some AIR even when it is cold. I should do that more.

Anonymous said...

It was pretty cold here yesterday, temps in the mid 30's. I hope is was warmer for your walk.

Ben said...

It was a pretty chilly walk, but the cabin fever was raging and it was good to get out!