Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pot Luck City

Two pot luck meals in one weekend. Saturday was the annual family reunion - my wife's mother's clan. People from as far away as Georgia and Indiana, converging on a picnic shelter in a park in Marion, Ohio, bearing food. People hung around to talk for some time; that was nice. We spent some time with a long lost...I have no idea what the proper term is...half-brother's daughter...and her husband. Driving down, a huge blast of rainfall. Driving back home, a beautiful sunset, and that interesting cloud formation up at the top of the post.

Then today, the Assistant Pastor at our church has accomplished a major milestone on the way to becoming a full Pastor, so there was a potluck dinner to celebrate his success.

Meanwhile, tomorrow, my semi-annual checkup will begin on a sour note as I step onto the scale...

A couple pictures snapped today around the yard:


Jessica said...

YUM! Potlucks and blackberries!

Minerva said...

I am still eating the jam that LW gave me. It's so good. Are those berries going into another batch?

Anonymous said...

Ihave black berries too!

Ben said...

No telling where those berries will end up. Well, I mean, ultimately, our stomachs. Gotta pick 'em while you've got 'em!